What does hinder mean and how do we use it in the English language?


Definition of “Hinder”

“Hinder” is a verb that means to make it difficult for someone or something to do or achieve something. It is often used to describe something that is holding someone or something back from reaching its full potential.

Importance of Understanding “Hinder”

Understanding the meaning of “hinder” is important because it is a word that is commonly used in both spoken and written English. Being able to use “hinder” correctly can help you communicate more effectively and express yourself more clearly.

Synonyms for “Hinder”

Some common synonyms for “hinder” include: impede, obstruct, block, hamper, and inhibit.

Types of “Hinder”

There are three main types of “hinder” – physical, emotional, and mental.

Physical Hinderances

Physical hinderances are obstacles that prevent someone from physically achieving something. For example, a broken leg might hinder someone from running a marathon.

Emotional Hinderances

Emotional hinderances are obstacles that prevent someone from achieving something because of their emotions or mental state. For example, feeling anxious might hinder someone from speaking in public.

Mental Hinderances

Mental hinderances are obstacles that prevent someone from achieving something because of their mental abilities or limitations. For example, not being able to solve a complex math problem might hinder someone from passing a test.

Common Usage of “Hinder”

“Hinder” is a versatile word that is commonly used in a variety of situations.

Everyday Situations

In everyday situations, “hinder” might be used to describe something that is getting in the way of someone achieving a goal. For example, “The rain hindered our plans for a picnic.”

Business and Professional Situations

In business and professional situations, “hinder” might be used to describe something that is preventing someone from achieving a goal at work. For example, “The lack of funding is hindering our ability to expand the business.”

Examples of “Hinder”

Here are some examples of “hinder” being used in a sentence:

  • “The traffic is hindering our progress.”
  • “Her fear of failure is hindering her ability to take risks.”
  • “The language barrier is hindering our communication.”

Phrases and Idioms with “Hinder”

There are several phrases and idioms that convey the meaning of “hinder”. Here are some examples:

  • “Hinder progress” – to slow down or stop something from advancing
  • “Hinder a person’s career” – to prevent someone from achieving success in their career
  • “Hinder someone’s chances” – to make it difficult for someone to achieve a desired outcome

Using “Hinder” in Writing

“Hinder” can be used in both formal and creative writing.

Formal Writing

In formal writing, “hinder” might be used to describe a problem that needs to be addressed. For example, “The lack of affordable housing is hindering economic growth in the city.”

Creative Writing

In creative writing, “hinder” might be used to create tension or conflict. For example, “The storm hindered their journey, making it impossible to reach the safety of the other side of the mountain.”

Collocations with “Hinder”

Collocations are words that are commonly used together with another word. Here are some common and uncommon collocations with “hinder”.

Common Collocations

  • Hinder progress
  • Hinder development
  • Hinder growth
  • Hinder performance
  • Hinder productivity

Uncommon Collocations

  • Hinder innovation
  • Hinder creativity
  • Hinder success
  • Hinder communication
  • Hinder understanding

How to Avoid Being Hindered

If you want to achieve your goals and avoid being hindered, there are some steps you can take.

Identifying Your Hinderances

The first step to overcoming your hinderances is to identify what they are. This might involve taking a step back and analyzing your situation. Are there physical, emotional, or mental obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals?

Strategies for Overcoming Hinderances

Once you have identified your hinderances, the next step is to come up with strategies to overcome them. This might involve seeking help from others, changing your approach, or taking a break to recharge.

Common Mistakes with “Hinder”

There are some common mistakes that people make when using the word “hinder”.

Confusing “Hinder” with “Hinderance”

“Hinder” is a verb that means to make it difficult for someone or something to do or achieve something. “Hinderance” is a noun that refers to something that is preventing progress or causing a delay.

Incorrect Usage of “Hinder”

Another common mistake is using “hinder” incorrectly. For example, saying “The rain was a hinder to our plans” instead of “The rain hindered our plans”.

Hinder in Popular Culture

“Hinder” has been used in popular culture in various ways.


The American rock band Hinder, formed in 2001, is known for their hit songs “Lips of an Angel” and “Better Than Me”.

Film and Television

In the film The Dark Knight Rises, Bane says “Your punishment must be more severe” when referring to how he will hinder Batman’s ability to stop him.


In conclusion, “hinder” is a versatile word that can be used to describe obstacles that prevent someone or something from achieving their goals. By understanding the meaning of “hinder” and how it is used in the English language, you can communicate more effectively and express yourself more clearly.


  1. Is “hinder” a commonly used word in English? Yes, “hinder” is a commonly used word in both spoken and written English.
  2. Can “hinder” be used to describe physical, emotional, and mental obstacles? Yes, “hinder” can be used to describe obstacles in all three categories.
  3. What are some common synonyms for “
  4. hinder”? Some common synonyms for “hinder” include impede, obstruct, block, hamper, and inhibit.
  5. How can I avoid being hindered in achieving my goals? Identify your hinderances and come up with strategies to overcome them. This might involve seeking help from others, changing your approach, or taking a break to recharge.
  6. What is the difference between “hinder” and “hinderance”? “Hinder” is a verb that means to make it difficult for someone or something to do or achieve something. “Hinderance” is a noun that refers to something that is preventing progress or causing a delay.

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