What does flogged mean and how do we use it in the English language?


Flogging is a term used in the English language that refers to a form of punishment that involves beating or whipping a person, usually with a whip or a cane. Understanding what flogged means is important because it has a significant place in history, literature, and popular culture. In this article, we will discuss the definition of flogged, its origins, and how it is used in the English language.

History of Flogging

Origin of Flogging

Flogging has been used as a form of punishment since ancient times. The Romans used to flog their soldiers for disobedience, and the Greeks used flogging as a means of disciplining their slaves. Flogging was also common in the Middle Ages, where it was used as a punishment for crimes such as theft, adultery, and blasphemy.

Flogging as a Form of Punishment

Flogging was used as a punishment in many countries until the early 20th century. In the United States, flogging was used as a punishment for crimes such as drunkenness, theft, and insubordination until the late 19th century. In Britain, flogging was used as a punishment in the military until 1948.

Flogging in the Military

Flogging was a common punishment in the military, where it was used to discipline soldiers who disobeyed orders or committed crimes. Flogging in the military involved tying the soldier to a post and then beating them with a whip or a cane. The number of lashes varied depending on the severity of the offense.

What Does Flogged Mean?

Definition of Flogged

Flogging is a term that refers to a form of punishment that involves beating or whipping a person. Flogging is usually carried out with a whip or a cane, and the number of lashes varies depending on the severity of the offense.

Synonyms of Flogged

Flogging can be used interchangeably with the following synonyms:

  • Whipped
  • Caned
  • Lashed
  • Beaten

Examples of Flogged in Sentences

Here are a few examples of flogged being used in sentences:

  1. The criminal was flogged for stealing.
  2. The slaves were flogged for attempting to escape from the plantation.
  3. The politician was flogged in the media for his controversial comments.
  4. The coach flogged the team for their poor performance in the game.
  5. The thief flogged the stolen goods on the black market.

As shown in the examples above, flogged is most commonly used to describe a physical punishment involving beating or whipping. It can also be used to describe harsh criticism or a strong reprimand. In British English, flogged can also refer to the illegal sale of stolen goods.

It is important to note that the use of flogged in the English language is often associated with negative connotations, such as punishment or criticism. However, there are also positive connotations to the word. For example, in Australian slang, the term “flogging” can be used to mean “selling quickly” or “selling for a high price”.

Overall, the term flogged has a complex history and diverse usage in the English language, and it is important to understand its various meanings and connotations in different contexts.


In conclusion, the term flogged has a complex history and diverse usage in the English language. It is most commonly associated with physical punishment involving beating or whipping, but it can also be used to describe harsh criticism or strong reprimands. Flogging is also used in British English to refer to the illegal sale of stolen goods.

Understanding the various meanings and connotations of flogged requires developing skills in literary analysis and critical thinking. Preparing for the AP English Language exam, analyzing past exam questions, and learning how to write a literature review can all be useful tools in developing these skills.

It is important to note that the term flogged can also be used in a figurative sense, as in the example where technology ads flogged the technical details of the products. This usage highlights the importance of understanding the context in which the term is used to fully comprehend its meaning.

In conclusion, understanding the various meanings and connotations of the term flogged can provide insight into the history and cultural significance of physical punishment, as well as the power dynamics inherent in language and communication.


  1. What is the history of flogging as a punishment?

Flogging has a long history as a form of judicial punishment and discipline in schools, prisons, military forces, and private homes. It involves administering a beating with a whip or rod, with blows commonly directed to the person’s back.

  1. Can flogging break the skin?

Yes, flogging can break the skin and cause physical harm to the person being punished. It is considered a form of physical abuse and is prohibited in many countries.

  1. Is flogging ever used in a positive context?

In Australian slang, the term “flogging” can be used to mean “selling quickly” or “selling for a high price”. However, this usage is not common in standard English and should be used with caution to avoid confusion.

  1. How can I use the term flogged in my writing?

The term flogged can be used to describe physical punishment, harsh criticism, or the illegal sale of stolen goods. It is important to consider the context in which the term is used and to be mindful of any negative connotations associated with it.

  1. What are some alternative words or phrases I can use instead of flogged?

Some alternative words or phrases that can be used instead of flogged include beaten, whipped, punished, reprimanded, criticized, and sold illegally. It is important to choose the appropriate word or phrase that accurately conveys the intended meaning in the given context.

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