What does ‘Better late than never’ mean? How can we use it?

Time management is an essential skill in both our personal and professional lives. However, despite our best efforts, sometimes we fall behind on our goals or commitments. In these situations, it’s common to hear the phrase “better late than never” used. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning and origins of this expression, as well as its appropriate usage and alternatives.

Definition of Better Late Than Never

The phrase “better late than never” is a proverb that means it’s better to do something late than not to do it at all. It’s an acknowledgment that even though we may have missed an opportunity or deadline, it’s still worth taking action to achieve the desired result.

Examples of the Phrase

Personal Life

In personal life, “better late than never” can apply to a variety of situations. For example, suppose you’ve been putting off visiting an elderly relative because you’re busy with work or other commitments. You may feel guilty for not seeing them sooner but reminding yourself that it’s better to visit them late than never at all can help you take action.

Similarly, if you’re struggling to achieve a personal goal, such as learning a new language or running a marathon, you may feel disheartened by your slow progress. Still, the phrase “better late than never” can encourage you to keep going, even if it takes longer than expected.

Professional Life

In professional life, “better late than never” can apply to a missed deadline or opportunity. For instance, suppose you’ve missed a deadline for submitting a project. It can be tempting to give up, but instead, you could complete the project and submit it late, knowing that it’s better than not submitting it at all.

Similarly, if you’ve been meaning to network with industry professionals but have been too busy with work, reminding yourself that it’s better to start networking late than never can motivate you to take action.

Origins of the Phrase

Historical Context

The origins of the phrase “better late than never” are unclear, but it’s thought to have been in use since at least the 16th century. The expression appears in a variety of contexts, including literature, music, and politics. For example, in 1576, the English playwright John Heywood used the phrase in his book “The Proverbs, Epigrams, and Miscellanies.”

Similarly, in 1779, Benjamin Franklin used a variation of the phrase in a letter to Joseph Priestley, writing, “I should have answered your letter sooner, but that I was not sure where to direct to you. Better late than never.”

Similar Expressions in Different Languages

The concept of “better late than never” is not unique to the English language. Many other languages have similar expressions that convey the same sentiment.

For example, in Spanish, the phrase “más vale tarde que nunca” translates to “better late than never,” while in French, “mieux vaut tard queue jamais” translates to “better late than never.”

When to Use the Phrase

The phrase “better late than never” is a useful reminder when we’re feeling discouraged about missed opportunities or delayed progress. It’s also a helpful mindset when we’re struggling with procrastination. However, it’s essential to use the phrase appropriately and understand when it’s not suitable.

Missed Opportunities

In situations where we’ve missed an opportunity, whether it’s personal or professional, using the phrase “better late than never” can be a helpful mindset. For example, if you’ve missed the deadline for a job application, you could still apply and hope that the employer considers your application. Similarly, if you’ve missed the chance to attend a significant event, reminding yourself that it’s better to attend late than not attend at all can help you take action.


Procrastination is a common problem, and the phrase “better late than never” can be a useful tool to combat it. If you’re struggling to start a project or task, reminding yourself that it’s better to start late than not to start at all can help you overcome your procrastination. However, it’s essential to remember that this phrase is not an excuse to procrastinate and leave everything until the last minute.

Delayed Progress

Sometimes we may feel discouraged when we’re not making progress as quickly as we’d like. In these situations, using the phrase “better late than never” can help us stay motivated. For example, if you’ve been working on a personal project, such as writing a book, and you’re not making as much progress as you’d like, reminding yourself that it’s better to finish late than not to finish at all can help you stay on track.

Alternatives to the Phrase

While the phrase “better late than never” can be helpful in certain situations, there are times when it’s not appropriate to use it. In these situations, there are alternatives that can help us stay on track and maintain good time management habits.

Time Management

Good time management skills are essential in both our personal and professional lives. Instead of relying on the phrase “better late than never,” we can improve our time management skills by setting realistic goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and prioritizing our tasks based on importance and urgency.


Being proactive is another essential skill in both personal and professional life. Instead of waiting until the last minute to take action, we can be proactive by planning ahead, anticipating potential roadblocks, and taking action before a problem arises.

Importance of Timeliness

While it’s true that “better late than never” can be a helpful mindset in some situations, it’s important to remember that being timely is often critical. For example, in the business world, missing a deadline can have serious consequences, such as losing a contract or damaging your reputation. Similarly, in our personal lives, missing an opportunity to attend a significant event or spend time with loved ones can have long-lasting effects.


In conclusion, the phrase “better late than never” can be a useful mindset in certain situations, such as missed opportunities or delayed progress. However, it’s important to use the phrase appropriately and understand when it’s not suitable. By improving our time management skills, being proactive, and recognizing the importance of timeliness, we can avoid relying on this phrase and maintain good habits that lead to success.


Is it always better to be late than not to do something at all?

No, there are situations where being timely is critical, such as in the business world or personal relationships.

Can the phrase “better late than never” be used as an excuse to procrastinate?

No, the phrase should not be used as an excuse to procrastinate or delay tasks unnecessarily. It should only be used in situations where it’s genuinely better to do something late than not to do it at all.

Are there any cultural differences in how the phrase is used?

The phrase has similar expressions in many different languages, but cultural differences may impact how and when the phrase is used.

How can I improve my time management skills?

You can improve your time management skills by setting realistic goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, prioritizing your tasks, and avoiding procrastination.

Are there situations where the phrase “better late than never” is not appropriate?

Yes, there are situations where being timely is critical, such as in the business world or personal relationships. It’s important to use the phrase appropriately and understand when it’s not suitable.

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