What does ‘A dime a dozen’ mean? How do we use it?


In our daily lives, we come across various idiomatic expressions that are used to convey a message or idea in a more concise and interesting manner. One such phrase is “a dime a dozen.” In this article, we will explore the meaning and usage of this expression and provide examples to help you understand it better.

Defining “a dime a dozen”

The phrase “a dime a dozen” means something that is common, easily available, and not of much value. It suggests that the object or item in question is so plentiful that it is not worth much, just like a dime, which is a small coin.

Origin of the phrase

The origin of the phrase can be traced back to the mid-19th century in the United States, where a dime was considered a small amount of money. The expression “a dime a dozen” was used to describe the abundance of goods that were available in the market at a very low price.

Examples of usage

Here are some examples of how the expression “a dime a dozen” can be used in different contexts:

“These days, smartphones are a dime a dozen. You can buy them anywhere at a very affordable price.”

“I have so many friends who are lawyers; they are a dime a dozen in this city.”

“The internet is flooded with fake news articles. They are a dime a dozen these days.”

How to use the phrase correctly

To use the expression “a dime a dozen” correctly, you need to understand the context in which it is being used. It is usually used to describe something that is abundant, cheap, and not of much value. It is important to note that the phrase is often used in a negative sense and is not suitable for situations where the object or item is considered valuable or rare.


In conclusion, the phrase “a dime a dozen” is a popular idiom used to describe something that is very common and not of much value. It originated in the United States in the mid-19th century and has been widely used ever since. By understanding the meaning and usage of this expression, you can use it in your daily conversations and impress others with your language skills.


Is “a dime a dozen” only used in the United States?

No, the phrase is used in many English-speaking countries and is widely understood.

Can “a dime a dozen” be used to describe people?

Yes, it can be used to describe people who are very common or not very valuable, such as employees who are easily replaceable.

Is “a dime a dozen” a positive expression?

No, the phrase is usually used in a negative sense to describe something that is not of much value.

Can “a dime a dozen” be used to describe something that is rare?

No, the phrase is not suitable for describing something that is rare or valuable.

Can I use “a dime a dozen” in formal writing?

It is generally not recommended to use idiomatic expressions like “a dime a dozen” in formal writing.

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