Stool pigeon meaning – How it came about and why we use it

Stool pigeon meaning is a term that has been used for centuries, and yet it is still widely used today. But what does the term actually mean, and where did it come from?

Origin of the term stool pigeon

The term stool pigeon is believed to have originated in the 16th century, during a time when pigeons were used as a means of communication. Pigeons were often used to carry messages, and they were also used as a source of food.

During this time, the term stool pigeon was used to describe a pigeon that was used to lure other pigeons into a trap. The pigeon would be tied to a stool or a perch, and when other pigeons saw it, they would come down to investigate. This would allow hunters to capture them more easily.

Over time, the term stool pigeon began to be used to describe a person who betrayed others or who acted as an informer.

The evolution of the term stool pigeon

Over the years, the meaning of the term stool pigeon has evolved. Today, the term is often used to describe a person who provides information to the police or other authorities.

The term is also used in other contexts, such as in the world of sports. In this context, a stool pigeon is a person who bets against their own team or who reveals inside information about a game.

Why do we use the term stool pigeon?

The term stool pigeon has become a part of popular culture, and it is often used in movies, books, and other forms of media. It has also become a common term in modern language, used to describe someone who betrays others or who acts as an informer.

The term stool pigeon has a certain level of intrigue and mystery, which may explain why it has remained popular over the years.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the term stool pigeon meaning has a long and interesting history. From its origins as a term used to describe a pigeon used in hunting to its modern-day usage as a term for an informant, the term has evolved over time. While its meaning may have changed, the term remains a popular and widely used part of modern language.

Examples of Use:

  1. “Don’t trust her – she’s always been a stool pigeon for the police.”
  2. “If you snitch on us, you’ll be labeled a stool pigeon for life.”
  3. “He’s such a stool pigeon, I can’t believe he told our boss about our secret party.”
  4. “You can’t trust anyone these days, everyone is just trying to be a stool pigeon.”
  5. “I wouldn’t trust him with a secret, he’s always been known to be a stool pigeon.”


  1. Informant
  2. Rat
  3. Snitch
  4. Traitor
  5. Squealer


What is the origin of the term stool pigeon?

The term stool pigeon is believed to have originated in the 16th century, during a time when pigeons were used as a means of communication.

How has the meaning of the term evolved over time?

The term stool pigeon has evolved to become a term used to describe a person who provides information to the police or other authorities.

Why is the term stool pigeon still popular today?

The term stool pigeon has a certain level of intrigue and mystery, which may explain why it has remained popular over the years.

Is the term stool pigeon considered offensive?

The term stool pigeon can be considered offensive by some people, particularly those who have been betrayed by someone who acted as an informant.

How is the term stool pigeon used in sports?

In sports, a stool pigeon is a person who bets against their own team or who reveals inside information about a game

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